The updated website is intended to support the third edition of the guidebook published in September 2017.
The Hertfordshire Way is a 195 mile circular route along public rights of way entirely within the county of Hertfordshire. It starts in Royston, moves west to Tring, then south to Kings Langley, and east to Bishop's Stortford before turning northwards to finish in Royston. It is described in the counter clockwise direction.
It has been chosen to pass through a variety of Hertfordshire scenery, mostly in open countryside, but to also include some of our more attractive and interesting villages. The county town of Hertford and the historic city of St Albans are the only large towns on the route.
Where possible we have chosen places with some public transport access for the start and finish of each leg. However, anyone willing to spend a bit of time studying maps and timetables, or able to use two cars, can choose different start and finish points.
We have made the guide more user friendly and refreshed the appearance with a completely new set of colour photographs together with some delightful sketches by a local artist who has walked the route.
In this guide there are a number of changes to the previous edition published in 2009 which address:
Public transport availability
Access and safety
Planned urban and highway developments
Leg 2
Leg 3
Leg 7
Leg 8
Leg 12
Leg 13
Finishes at Little Wymondley instead of Willian.
Starts at Little Wymondley and follows the existing route to St Albans.
Has been re-routed at Berkhamsted Common to avoid a dangerous road section after Potten End. It rejoins the original route at Bourne End.
Has been re-routed soon after the start at Kings Langley to avoid walkers using Toms Lane.
Has been re-routed just before Green Tye and now finishes on the outskirts of Bishop's Stortford at Tesco Store, Bishops Park.
For those wishing to visit the town centre a route is way marked and described in the guidebook.
Starting at Tesco store, Bishops Park it goes west through Bury Green rejoining the original route at Hadham Hall.
OS Maps have been informed of these changes and it may take some time for the changes to be published.
Follow these signs