Although originally inspired by The Ramblers’ Centenary celebratory walk in 1996, The Friends of The Hertfordshire Way was formed as an autonomous group in 1997 with the first AGM being held in 1998. The membership at that time was approximately 55 and in 2021 exceeded 100.
The Friends of The Hertfordshire Way is a voluntary organisation whose members act to promote and maintain the route. It is financed mainly by:
Fund raising activities of its membership
Annual membership subscriptions
Guidebook sales
If you encounter any problems with public rights of way along the route, please contact us via our website or email, details of which are given at the end of this section. We will either deal with these problems ourselves or bring them to the attention of the appropriate Rights of Way Officer in the County Council's Environment Department.
If you would like to join The Friends of The Hertfordshire Way the current annual membership is £5 single, £7 family. An application form is available on our website and should be returned by post to the address provided.
Our AGM in March is followed by refreshments and a guest speaker. We publish two newsletters each year with details of our walks programmes and many interesting articles about Hertfordshire and recreational walking.
Our walking group meet once a month on Mondays to avoid clashes with weekend and mid-week walks programmes of other groups. Walks are led by our members and are generally between 10 to 12 miles with lunch break with your own sandwiches. The walk organiser will advise if a pub/cafe lunch is an option. Some routes are circular which will commit you to the full distance whilst others are a figure of eight allowing you to walk either morning, afternoon or both. The morning section is generally 60% of the walk length. Also, during the summer months, we do a number of linear walks. All of these walks are published in our newsletter and on our website under Walks Programme.
Non-members are very welcome to join these walks at no cost however if you decide to stay with us then we ask you to join our society.
We have a policy of No Dogs on walks. Children and vulnerable adults must be accompanied by a responsible adult
Chairman: Ken Osborne
Deputy: Ian Hirst
Secretary: Justin Lumley
Treasurer: David Kealey
Membership: David Kealey